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My 'What's Next' Plan?

Melissa Moore

Two years ago my husband and I started 2023 with a mantra and loosely held plan for our life of, what's next? I even bought a sign for his office that said just that as a reminder that we were looking forward and choosing what our next steps would be to reach these goals.

What's next wasn't just an idea, but a series of idea for where we wanted our financial, relationship and career futures to head towards. What's next was a thought pattern that lead to our place in Mexico and our wedding at the end of that year. It was a focused step in making choices that that supported our goals.

Two years later I'm starting a more personalized what's next plan for my life. Last year, I thought I made what's next choices, but it actually felt more like the Universe was making them for me. January 2024 started with marital bliss and ended with a drunk driver crashing into me. Their choice that day lead to months of recovery and produced in me a new outlook on life.

After that accident, I wasn't thinking about what's next, just what's right now. It was a tough year, but also one that held some beautiful life lessons and changes. This year, I plan to try and have a focused approach for what's next.

Also in 2024, I made a huge career shift leaving a job that I loved for a new challenge. Even in this specific situation the Universe bumped me into a direction after slamming shut the door I thought was opening. What I thought was what's next looked nothing like what I had planned, which was incredibly scary and somewhat exciting.

My what's next for this year has a lot to do with branding and new projects. The takeaway from last year is all about the choices I am in charge of, and the ones that depend on other people. Even when I think I know what will happen, someone else and their choices inevitable can effect my options and decisions. It's that illusion of control that I still struggle with yielding to.

As I talk about my what's next I also have to confess that I am someone who hates making plans too far in the future. Budgets make my skin crawl and schedules make me countdown the hours until I'm free. Both of those have always made me fee like a caged butterfly waiting to be set free.

What I'm planning to do this year is BIG for me. This year I am actually making daily schedules and assigning projects that move forward my what's next goals. Even as I write this I feel my heart rate quickening at the thought of not just going with the creative flow of life. Even that sentence sounds negative, and it really shouldn't be. Why? I'm told and have to believe based on examples that not having a plan and guidelines is not how success works.

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail." That's a tough one for me to swallow, yet common sense says it's legit. My struggle this year will be not rebelling against myself and my own plan - even if it's for my own success. Do you believe in a what's next plan and if you do I'd love to hear about it! xox

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